Creativity is everything to me. I credit my success as a business woman first and foremost to creativity. On occasion, I’ve been lucky to be in the right place at the right time. I’ve also been blessed with good instincts, an excellent education, and plenty of emotional support. I don’t mean to brag; I’m just illustrating how many factors have been in my favor. And still I credit my creativity above it all.

This brings me to our big reveal: you need to get plenty of sleep to be creative. Sleep deprivation has been scientifically proven to harm creativity. The business world is cutthroat. You need every advantage you can get, and twice as many, if you’re a woman. You simply can’t afford unhealthy sleeping habits.

Okay, Anna, how do we get our eight hours? I suggest dimming the lights in your house after dinner. We take our light fixtures for granted, but, in the scheme of things, they are a very new invention. Humans have existed for over 200,000 years. We haven’t evolved to a point where we can take light bulbs for granted. Our circadian rhythms are influenced by light and dark. All that unnatural light before bedtime messes up our circadian rhythms, making it that much harder to sleep. I have other tips, but that’s the biggest because you’ve surely heard the others.

Bedtime Dos and Don’ts
  • Avoid using your cellphone in bed.
  • Avoid caffeine six hours before bedtime.
  • Sleep in a cool room. (65 degrees is ideal.)
  • Consider using ASMR.
  • Develop a pre-bedtime routine.



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